Tuesday 24 April 2018

Making Monsters cover reveal

The Making Monsters anthology now has a full complement of stories, poems and essays, and will very shortly be producing the first ARCs (with a scheduled release date of Sept 1, 2018). All of the authors are listed at the press page, and we plan to post the full table of contents very soon, once all contracts are signed. In the meantime, although this is something of an open secret, let’s have the official cover reveal here…

As you’ll immediately recognize if you’re as much of a fan of her work as we are, this is an expanded version of Robin Kaplan (aka “The Gorgonist”)’s Lonely Gorgon, which you can buy as a poster print from her Etsy store. We’ve worked with Robin before, and she produced the covers of our Outlaw Bodies and Accessing the Future anthologies, as well as half a dozen issues of The Future Fire over the years. This is the most appropriate cover image for all sorts of reasons—I’ll let you read the anthology and figure out why for yourselves!

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