Saturday 30 June 2012

New Issue 2012.23

The collective principle asserts that... no society can legitimately call itself civilised if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means.
-- Aneurin Bevan

Issue 2012.23
 [ Issue 2012.23; Cover art © 2012 Eric Asaris ]
Download e-book version: PDF | EPUB | Mobi


Unknown said...

This is a terrific issue.

A highlight for me has to be 'Lacuna'. The protagonists are strong and realistic and the topic seemed extremely relevant in light of contemporary intellectual property court cases. I really enjoy this spin on the concept.

I also loved the clever intimacy of 'Thick on the Wet Cement'. Beautifully crafted and another story I feel sad to finish.

Zoe E. W. said...

I really loved Rebecca's story Thick on the Wet Cement, especially the open ending. Like it so much I had to share it on Twitter and Facebook. =^)

prezzey said...

I usually don't want to act all spamtastic and link my reviews all over the place, but Djibril asked me to post this here, so I suppose it's OK :] <a href="Here is my review of Elm</a>.

Djibril said...

Apologies for Blogger having apparently eaten the link Prezzey included in the previous comment. Eir review of 'Elm' is here:

Djibril said...

I've just learned that Jamie Killen's "Elm" is to be included in the Heiresses of Russ 2013 lesbian speculative fiction anthology, which is brilliant news and such a deserving story. I look forward to reading the rest of this year's antho.