Tuesday 12 December 2023

Micro-interview with Katharine A. Viola

Katharine A. Viola, artist of “Woman, Soldier, Girl” in The Future Fire #67, joins us for a quick chat about illustrating, family history and dreams.

Art © 2023, Katharine A. Viola

TFF: How did you go about illustrating “Woman, Soldier, Girl”?

Katharine A. Viola: I loved the machine aspect of this story.  The author painted such a vivid portrayal, not only in describing what the machines looked like, but the importance of these machines to the character(s) in the story.  I felt it necessary to create these visuals to enhance the cultural aspects of the tale.

TFF: Is there one of your ancestors that you would particularly like to meet? What would you ask them?

KV: As it happens to be, I am a descendant of John Hart, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. I would have a million questions to ask, but mostly would pick his brain about the time period and the importance of fighting for what you believe in.

TFF: Have you ever tried to paint or write one of your own dreams?

KV: Yes! Yet it is so hard to capture the images as they are often fleeting. Dreams can tell us so much, and sometimes the visuals can be extremely inspiring.

Reminder: You can comment on any of the writing or art in this issue at http://press.futurefire.net/2023/10/new-issue-202367.html.

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