Thursday 14 December 2023

Micro-interview with Beth Cato

We welcome Beth Cato, author of the poem “How magic will help you take the bastards down” in The Future Fire #67 for a short conversation.

Art © 2023 Melkorka
TFF: What does “How magic will help you take the bastards down” mean to you?

Beth Cato: For me, it's a poem about anger and wit. Even if magic were to exist, its use is not an end-all. There will still be injustice. You fight back however you can.

TFF: What is your favourite example of hopeful or fun speculative fiction (in any medium)?

BC: I love Becky Chambers' works, both her Wayfarers series and her Monk and Robot books. They are not for everyone, as they are not big on action or plot, but she has a graceful way of depicting humanity even in beings that are not human.

TFF: What are you working on next?

BC: I'm gearing up for the January release of my next book, A Feast for Starving Stone. It finishes up my duology that began with A Thousand Recipes for Revenge. These books are packed with magical food and swashbuckling action. I don't recommend that people read them while they are hungry.

start the hot water kettle
with a glare fueled
by the infuriating recollection
of how your boss said
‘oh don’t worry, we’ll investigate’

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