Margrét Helgadóttir (web page; FB)

I find the legend about Sedna very fascinating. Despite her cruel death she gains a major role in the Inuit everyday life. The Arctic Ocean is a major food source and Sedna was worshiped by hunters who depended on her goodwill. She was considered a vengeful goddess, and hunters must placate and pray to her to release the sea animals from the ocean depths for their hunt. Other legends however tell about the good woman who lives under the sea who will keep children away from the dangerous places when they play on the shore. Mythology also says that when an Inuit breaks a taboo in society, Sedna’s hair gets filthy and entangles the animals, preventing the hunters from catching any food. The shaman must clean her hair and talk with her to find out which taboos were broken and communicate these lessons back to society.
Rachel Linn (author page)

Yuki-onna is usually portrayed as a perilous influence, but I find the idea of her comfortingly heroic because of my own experiences with snow. I am particularly frightened of hypothermia because I became cold enough to hallucinate the first time I went for a hike in the dead of winter. I often feel that I am only a capable mountaineer with the help of modern insulation technology—water/windproof jackets, chemical warmers, etc.—and have a hard time valuing what I have done because of this. While on cold weather mountaineering or backpacking trips, as I fight with the cold, the image of Yuki-onna stepping out of a snowy forest in below-freezing temperatures (naked or dressed in a delicate kimono), is eerily reassuring. (The book Yūrei: The Japanese Ghost is a great account of ghosts and spirits in Japanese culture, if you want to learn more.)
Jessica Campbell (web page)

Valeria Vitale (TFF)

When Isis finds out what has happened, she immediately goes looking for the body of her partner, to properly bury him. She travels Egypt from corner to corner. I imagine her on a small boat, always followed by one or two silent crocodiles. And finally she finds the box floating! But Set, furious that his plan has been spoiled, chops the body into 14 parts and scatters them all around Egypt. Again, Isis starts her search. Patiently and stubbornly, she collects all the pieces of Osiris’ body to bring him back to life with magic. She finds all but one: his phallus. There are a couple versions of what happened next. One says that another god gave her a golden phallus for Osiris. In my favorite, though, she makes one herself, from mud, and then “blows life into it” (yep!). I love Isis’ determination, her proactive optimism, her faith in her own strength and resources, her unshaken loyalty. I like that it’s her rescuing the male character. Her story may also hint at the fact that a couple doesn’t need a biological phallus to have good sex :-)
Dolly Garland (web page; twitter)

Though far from flawless, she was truly the woman behind the men. I believe the reason she was a designated catalyst of the Mahabharata (the Great War) in the long game played by Lord Krishna to rejuvenate the human race was because while her husbands—the mighty Pandavas—were brave and true of heart, they hid behind duty and tradition. Draupadi forced them to acknowledge that if they stand for truth and justice going to war was the right thing to do. She was the catalyst because she possessed the strength to do what hundreds of men could not—to raise her voice against injustice rather than hide behind duty and tradition.
In the Indian society which still, in 2017, often values traditions above everything else, Draupadi, a character that is so embedded in mythology and thousands of years old, is a true superhero.
Now tell us about your favorite mythological heroines in the comments!
All great choices here! My favourite mythological heroine? Well, I guess I ought to mention Rhiannon from the Mabinogi (traditional Welsh myth cycle). She is remarkably 'modern' in so many ways -- but of course these are not really modern qualities; they only seem that way to us because we currently have a slanted perspective -- in the sense that she is strong, independent, resourceful, regards herself as an equal to men, and refuses to be coerced into doing things that she doesn't want to do. Her strong-mindedness leads her to experience many adventures and endure many ordeals. A remarkable character indeed!
Djibril asked me to leave this here. It's peice I did on the Badb Catha figure from celtic mythology, together with the artist Paul Watson.
@dedbutdrmng thank you for sharing this, I really enjoyed it!
I love Melusine
She was the builder of my childhood dreams (having a father who was an architect most likely channelled my admiration towards a woman who could build castles out of thin air) and a relentless champion of privacy.
The tale is often used as a "curiosity is bad for you" message but to me it always meant that you could achieve anything - including love - if you could have some sacred moments to yourself.
I'm going to argue for Medea. Sure, she's often portrayed as the "love interest" of Jason who goes all Fatal Attraction on him when he turns from her, but I've always sympathized with her. And without her help, Jason and his team would have been turned into Dragon Food.
Inanna/Ishtar. She literally went through hell to bring her lover back from the dead.
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