Like many good ideas, this began when a few people who didn’t know each other very well found a light-hearted chat veering into a deeper discussion of how we judge the feminist credentials of a story or film. The idea grew in the telling, as these things do, until we reached our brief:
Problem Daughters will amplify the voices of women who are sometimes excluded from mainstream feminism. It will be an anthology of beautiful, thoughtful, unconventional speculative fiction and poetry around the theme of intersectional feminism, with a specific focus on the lives and experiences of women of colour, QUILTBAG women, disabled women, sex workers, and any intersection of these.
We’d love your support for this project, either by backing the fundraiser yourself (you can pick up some great perks, including pre-ordering the paperback or ebook, bundles of previous FFN anthologies, story crits, historical feminist dolls, or tuckerizations), by spreading the word to all your friends on- and offline, or by offering rewards or perks to add to the bounty!
This fundraiser will run for six weeks, and we’ll be adding further perks and stretch goals to our IndieGoGo campaign as we go. We’ll also be visiting various blogs and social media platforms to talk more about the project, and inviting guests to talk with us about intersectional feminism in spec fic more generally. We hope very soon to have exciting news about cover art, and all being well we’ll be able to share some initial images with you in the near future.

We are:
- Nicolette is a pirate queen, ruling her empire from her levitating Professor X chair. She writes stuff. Find her on Twitter @NBarischoff, or check out some of said stuff at nbarischoff.com.
- Rivqa is a queer Jewish cyborg who lives in the future (ie, Australia), where she writes speculative fiction and edits science literature. She tweets as @enoughsnark.
- Djibril is by night the dashing general editor of The Future Fire and Futurefire.net Publishing, by day a mild-mannered, bespectacled historian and educational futurist.
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