1) Horror Stories:
- Still Life with Crows, by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, 2003
- Nalo Hopkinson's Brown Girl in the Ring
- Conor McPherson The Weir
- "The Performance" by Silvia Moreno-Garcia http://www.grumpsjournal.com/jue3/stories/jue3-moreno-garcia.html
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The Yellow Wallpaper” https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1952/1952-h/1952-h.htm
- "Boobs," Suzy McKee Charnas http://talesofmytery.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/suzy-mckee-charnas-boobs.html
- "When it Ends, He Catches Her" by Eugie Foster http://dailysciencefiction.com/fantasy/fairy-tales/eugie-foster/when-it-ends-he-catches-her
- "A Handful of Earth" by Silvia Moreno-Garcia http://expandedhorizons.net/magazine/?page_id=2442
2) TFF horror stories:
- Monsters, by Amelie Daigle (2013) http://futurefire.net/2013.27/fiction/monsters.html
- Not so much horror but deeply disturbing for the socio political implications — ‘Neap Tide’ by Don Norum (2009) http://futurefire.net/2009.17/fiction/neaptide.html
- ‘The Harpy’, Laura Heron (2012) http://futurefire.net/2012.24/fiction/harpy.html
- ‘Wingspan’, Aliya Whiteley (2009) http://futurefire.net/2009.17/fiction/wingspan.html
- Gabriel Murray, “Forests of the Night” (We See a Different Frontier, 2013)
3) Women horror writers:
- Mary Shelley
- Susan Hill
- Nicola Griffith
- Octavia Butler
- Cecilia Tan
- Cherie Priest
- Tanith Lee
- Wendy Wagner
4) Horror writers of colour:
- Tananarive Due
- Rani Manicka (her book The Rice Mother about the horrors of the Japanese occupation of Malaysia was so disturbing)
- Ben Okri's books are terrifying
- Benjanun Sriduangkaew
- Daniel José Older
- Koji Suzuki
- Khakan Sajid
5) Horror films/TV shows:
- A Woman Walks Home Alone at Night
- Ginger Snaps
- Alien
- The Thing
- Babadook
- Pan’s Labyrinth
- The Hunger
- The Ring
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Afterlife (TV)
- Pushing Daisies (TV)
- Les Revenants (TV)
6) Horror/monster-themed children’s books:
- Les trois brigands, by Toni Ungerer (I don't know if this counts as horror, but it is a scary story that turns out to be cute in the end)
- Jan Pienkowski's Haunted House
7) Horror artwork:
- "The nightmare" by Johann Heinrich Füssli (1781)
- Any of H.R. Giger’s work
- Second illustration to “Nasmina’s Black Box” illustrated by Rhiannon Rasmussen-Silverstein (2009) http://futurefire.net/images/rr-nasmina2.jpg
- Second illustration to “Bluebird Magick” illustrated by Cécile Matthey (2013) http://futurefire.net/images/cm-bluebird2.png

8) Horror videogames:
- Eternal darkness: Sanity's Requiem
- American McGee’s Alice