

Ten years of The Future Fire
A Speculative Fiction Anthology

2015, Publishing
Edited by: Djibril al-Ayad, Cécile Matthey and Valeria Vitale
Stories and other original content by: Kathryn Allan, Therese Arkenberg, Redfern Jon Barrett, James Bennett, Jessica E. Birch, Bruce Boston, Jennifer Marie Brissett, Rebecca Buchanan, Neil Carstairs, Joyce Chng, Mark Harding, C.A. Hawksmoor, Margo-Lea Hurwicz, Jocelyn Koehler, Alison Littlewood, Toby MacNutt, Jack Hollis Marr, Cécile Matthey, Melissa Moorer, Julie Novakova, Sara Puls, Melanie Rees, Brett Savory, Rebecca J. Schwab, Lori Selke, Su J. Sokol, Benjanun Sriduangkaew, Valeria Vitale and Jo Walton
Cover art by: Cécile Matthey

X for ten years, X for marking out a spot in the genre, X for the unknown variable that changes the status quo.

This anthology is a mix of reprints from the first decade of The Future Fire magazine, and new, experimental, unusual or aspirational pieces that push boundaries or play games that might tickle Borges, Calvino and Kafka. With both old and new stories, the editors hope to give a taste of what they’d like to see more of in the next decade, and in the process supply voracious readers with 29 short stories and other pieces of writing full of progressive ideas, underrepresented voices, socially important tales, and of course entertaining, quality fiction! This paper book gives the stories, half of them previously published but in digital form only, another time and space to be enjoyed in.

table of contents

Where to buy TFF-X

  • Trade paperback from Amazon (UK) (Fra) (Can) etc.
  • E-book: Kindle from Amazon (UK) (Fra) (Can) etc.
  • Trade paperback:
  • And in all online retailers (via Ingram), December 1, 2015

Reviews of TFF-X

Praise for TFF-X

  • “Stellar collection […] From crushing tragedy to indomitable revolution, the stories all burn with hope.”
    Charles Payseur


Djibril al-Ayad, Cécile Matthey and Valeria Vitale (edd.), TFF-X: Ten years of The Future Fire. Publishing, 2015. Pp. viii+196. ISBN (print) 978-0-9573975-6-9, (electronic) 978-0-9573975-7-6. $14.00 trade pb/$5.00 e-book.

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