
Sunday 21 April 2019

Call for submissions: longer fiction and poetry

Longer than usual…

Tall Tales!
For the next few weeks, TFF is looking for pieces that are slightly longer than our Guidelines normally specify, for our jubilee issue. While we’re explicitly flexible with regard to wordcount, in the past we have very seldom published stories over 10,000 words or poems over about 60 lines—partly because reading longer works on screen can be a strain. For an upcoming project (more on which later) however, we’re looking to push this boundary upwards.

Do you have a:
  • Speculative novelette (story of 7,500–17,500 words)
  • Long scifi/fantasy poem (say 100–200 lines)
that we might be interested in?

We’re more flexible than usual with this project, so those boundaries are both permeable, and we’re open to all sorts of liberties with genre, medium and form. Not sure if something qualifies? Try us!

This extended call remains open until May 31, 2019, and for this period, any novelette we purchase for this special issue will be paid the higher rate of $30 (and long poems $15) to celebrate the jubilee.

Increased length and pay rate aside, all our usual guidelines (see fiction; poetry) still apply for this month, and our usual tastes in feminist, queer, postcolonial and environmental themes and underrepresented voices will pertain. But as I said, try us—we’d rather have the chance to decide if something works for us than have you self-reject.